You’ve heard how fast plants grow in a hydroponics system. You’ve heard about the huge harvests. Once you have it set up you will only need to spend a small amount of time per day monitoring the plants.
Discover shortcuts that will help you build hydroponics set up quickly and easily… and cheaply.
Hydroponics is NOT complicated once you understand how to get started. There are five types of hydroponics systems and this ebook will show you why matching the right system to your situation can save you a lot of frustration.
Plants grown in hydroponics have their roots in a clean neutral media such as clay balls or perlite, instead of dirt. A nutrient solution is circulated to the roots via a pump or wick action.
The plants don’t have to waste energy developing a large root system because the food is delivered right to the roots. Since it no longer has to search for its food, the plant’s growth and energy are redirected to lush foliage and abundant flowers and fruit.
My name is Stella. I have 13 years of experience with hydroponics, and a little later I will explain my bizarre introduction to this easy way to grow plants. But first…
If you are thinking about getting involved with hydroponics you need to answer these three questions:
How are you going to build it?
Is there going to be enough space and light?
How are you going to maintain it?
Before you start gluing pipe together shouldn’t you decide which system is best for you?
This e-book will take you on a journey, almost like going down a garden path, and help match the right system to your situation.
The entire original Hydroponics-Simplified website in PDF form
Complete plans for 5 hydroponic mini gardens
Detailed instructions for the 5 most user-friendly yet prolific full-sized hydroponics systems we know
How to build our original Growbox-Bubbler Unit combo
Bonuses, including maintenance schedules, mixing chart, CO2 supplementation, equipment lists, and resources- Read all about the cool bonuses at the end of the page.
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